“Now I know a lot of you media folk have been bashing me lately and my comments. But let me assure you that when I say we were the best 33-win team of all time, it’s fact”
“But Isiah what about leadership and taking some accountability for failing to make the playoffs?”
“Leadership? Leadership?! Son are you really questioning Zeke? I won 2 championships, and when I think of leadership only one person springs to mind.”
“What about improving the team?”
“We’ll be looking into trade options over the summer”
“YES, we’re finally gonna get Mobley like I asked! I knew you’d come through for me Isiah”
“Quiet down Francis! I forgot you were even still on this team. Anyway that’ll be it for today guys. Everything’s fine in Knicks land I assure you. Be confident in Zeke”
“Thank you all for coming. I’ve called this conference today to announce things are changing here on the Hawks. You guys have been criticizing me, but let me tell you I got a huge signing to drop. You’ve seen Childress, and Smith….”
“But today…. I give you Nash!!! Nash come out here to the podium”
RealGM Wiretap Reports: Bulls Still Eyeing Gasol
“Peeping Paxson”
“But dad!!! Why can’t I go?!”
“I told you I don’t want you going over that place. That man wouldn’t even serve me food on his good china!”
“I expect my food to be served on a Deng, not some crappy brown plate.. Not to mention that P.J sandwich was stale. Probably been sitting there for years!”
“I hate you… You never let me do anything”
“I have no problem with your hate Pau. More importantly… That lottery ticket you gave me was a bust!”
“I ask you just this one time to get me the winning number, and you predictably fail me… And damn it, Pau… Go shave already!”
“You sure this is a good idea Pax?”
“Of course it is! Now come on, stop being such a puss! We’re not gonna get caught… And even if we do, I’ll be right there with you”
“Oh my god, Andres! I think I saw stubble!”
“Let me see! Let me see!”
“Who’s out there?!”
“Hey where you going? I thought you said you’d be right there!”
“Sorry about earlier, Noc… So, how’d you get away?”