This is how I picture a meeting with typical RealGMers in charge. Notice the lack of females at the table? That's no accident. Pssh, the RealGMer doesn't need that!!! There's more important issues to be discussed. Like Kobe's efficiency from halfcourt or what kind of dump KG took last week. Inevitably, upon several weeks here you'll come to understand the truths RealGMers hold dear:
The Official 2007 NBA Draft Summary: Part 2, Rod Thorn explains his decision to draft Shawne Williams to the Nets, while Atlanta Hawks GM Billy Knight plans to draft another small forward.
The Official 2007 NBA Draft Summary: Part 1, featuring Lakers pick Sun Yu, Golden State Warriors' Brandon Wright, and the Bucks risky choice to draft Yi Jianlin!
Andray Blatche of the Washington Wizards, keeps it real by going on a night on the town at the red light district... Only to find Dennis Rodman! Phoenix Suns Owner Robert Sarver's opens negotiations.