“We’re totally making the playoffs this year guys!! Are the cameras still rolling?”
“We’re totally making the playoffs this year guys!! Are the cameras still rolling?”
“Nice hustle out there guys”
“Coach, we lost”
“I know”
“Now I know what y’all are thinkin. We didn’t make the playoffs, we’re back to the old Clipper ways”
“Well It would appear that way-”
“Now stop right there!!!! Maybe to the untrained eye, but I have it on very good sources that we may be acquiring Mike Dunleavy Jr this summer.”
“But how would that solv-”
“Just think 2 Dunleavys on the same team! Colangelo’sgot nothing on me.”
“So Larry we’re cool right? I mean all that stuff is in the past”
“Haha sure.”
“Ryan will you be good to go in tomorrow’s game”
“That depends what Danny wants, see we’re tank—”
“Did you say tanking?”
“No no of course not, I said tanning! Tanning, me and Danny are going out tanning”
“5th Pick”
“Like omg, are you Will Smith?”
“Why yes I am ladies…”
“Stephen Harrington picks up his 5th foul!”
*4 minutes later*
“I’m sorry that was actually Jason Terry with his 1st”
*6 minutes later*
“Al Davis picks up his 3rd!”
“Better Basketball with Steve Nash”
“Quality Guaranteed Or Your Money Back!”
“Mannn. Time out, call time out”
“What are you doing out there?! You gave us the lead!”
“Sorry coach”
“It’s okay. I got a backup plan… ”
“Brian get in there and chuck some 3s”
“Danny is gonna give me the extension for sure!!!”
“Darling, give my compliments to the chef! Best meatballs I’ve ever had”
“Oh he’d be so happy to hear it! I’ll go get him”
“I understand you enjoyed my balls sir”
“Yes, they were delicious! Absolutely spectacular! Can I ask what the recipe is my good man?”
“Ask Chris”