“The Tortoise and the Hare”
“Once upon a time, the hare was in his prime”
“But no matter how high his hop, he was always stopped by Pop”
“As the sun rose up in the sky, it was time to give it one more try”
“Run and gun the coach embraced, yet no championship was won in haste”
“Continually stocking, the hare kept on mocking”
“No longer in pain, but still just as vain”
“Their center came back, yet defense he lacked”
“Though slow and steady, the tortoise would surely be ready”
“As the hare took the early lead, it appeared the sun would rise indeed”
“But another tortoise named Rob, would soon make them sob”
“The hare named Nash, would take a rather large splash”
“And when another hare ran up a storm, the referees would quickly swarm”
“Suspended he would be, no matter what the plea”
“He admitted to making a mistake, but bitter fans kept yelling it’s all fake”
“When the loss inevitable came, they still cried fake all the same”
“No shame in sight, they continued to put up a fight”
“Even after the tortoise won it all, they continued to bawl”
“And so another year passed, maybe the sixty-one wins came fast”
“But trophy wise, they were no better than last”
“Slow and steady had won the race, defense had always been the case”