“Now I know a lot of you media folk have been bashing me lately and my comments. But let me assure you that when I say we were the best 33-win team of all time, it’s fact”

“But Isiah what about leadership and taking some accountability for failing to make the playoffs?”

“Leadership? Leadership?! Son are you really questioning Zeke? I won 2 championships, and when I think of leadership only one person springs to mind.”

“What about improving the team?”

“We’ll be looking into trade options over the summer”

“YES, we’re finally gonna get Mobley like I asked! I knew you’d come through for me Isiah”

“Quiet down Francis! I forgot you were even still on this team. Anyway that’ll be it for today guys. Everything’s fine in Knicks land I assure you. Be confident in Zeke”

“Please don’t fire me James”